So we get our badges and our event guide and souvenir book and ginormous swag bag and we are IN!
BTW, the swag bag is the biggest tote bag I've ever seen. EVAR. Here's a pic of me standing in it as I contemplate a potato-sack race.
Lisa and I also discussed the possibility of making a dress out of it, but people already had the idea. I don't have a pic of it, but Lisa said she saw someone with a hardcore detailed swag-bag dress later in the weekend.
After registration, we checked the schedule and decided to head over to a Battlestar Galactica panel that would be starting in an hour or so. We navigated the map and found the line, which snaked outside for a while, but it was overcast and decent weather. Plus, we had our pocket stools!
Yay, first panel of my first Comic Con!
Oh well, I didn't let it get me too down. Here's some more pics of me and Jon waiting for this panel to start, and then the main speaker of the panel, Richard Hatch...the guy that played Apollo in the original BSG and then Tom Zarek in the remake.
After that panel we met up with Lisa!!
Then we walked the floor a while. Here's some of the weird people and things we saw....
Found Jesus!! Ok, I know it's a Jedi...
Random mowhawk guy...
Double Rainbow guy!!
Random burlesque chick and what looks like an Amish guy on the ground
I saw a lot of guys dressed as Princess Leia, oddly...
They had some fighting demonstrations for some reason
There was a strong steampunk presence here
And then I saw R2-D2 and I was like...
This guy...
Giant power ranger (there was a 20 year deal for power rangers....and that made me feel old)
Ever want one of those anime pillow girlfriends? You could buy one here...
Wookie backpack
Wooden moustaches for sale!
This chick...
This booth...
A variety of kitty ears
This Furry...
This chick (?) as Robin
Goth Princess Leia?
These people....
Chobit royalty?
Funky merch
Superman with a yoga-ball earth
Crowded DC Comics booth
Booth Babes
This guy...
Silver Surfer guy
Darth Vadar sized. Oh, and one of the other Dr Horribles!
The Sand People scare easily, but they'll be back....and in greater numbers!
I found Waldo!!!
I passed a signing by Yvonne Strahovski from Chuck, so that was kinda cool
This chick in some sort of gauze bikini?
Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man!
An unfortunately-timed shot of Marina Sirtis. I tried to take another but they didn't want dawdlers in the walkway. I guess I could have paid for a pic?
Brent Spiner was yelling at someone...not sure why
Ugly Dolls!
Yay, Firefly Replicas! You can see the little peoples in the cockpit!
Ok, there is a reason I took this pic of the enterprise upside down...cuz that's how they filmed the model! I know, my photography needs work...
I won for category of 'Dr Horrible in white' (although tied with the other chick who was a before and after kind of thing). BUT I won a program signed by Felicia Day! OH, and the contest was judged by one of the costume designers from Firefly.
The Crowd:
The guy dressed as the "soup" version of Dr Horrible even won on his own category that they made up for him. Everyone was chanting "Soup Soup Soup!" Later we found out he threw that costume together last minute. I'd say it was a good one!
What I won
So after that, it was 10pm...time to find and sit in the line for the Firefly panel that starts at 12:30 the next day........ For this, see Day 2!! Day 2 Here
You rock!